We Invite You To Join Our Free Movement

We call it a free movement because we are moving with the free spirit essence of our unlimited, sovereign being.

You Will Receive:

♦ Soulful Transmissions: you will receive our Core Transmissions on a regular basis.

♦ 12 Weekly Gifts of Spirit: each week for 12 weeks, you will receive a short audio recording by Gil, to nurture your practice and help build consistency.

♦ Extra Treats: our work is guided by Soul and as we travel together we share additional spontaneous gifts.

♦ News & Updates: You will receive news and updates on content, events, and services.

Enter Your Info Below and Click The Button To Join:

We respect your privacy 100% and do not share your info without consent.

You are free to leave at any time by simply unsubscribing your email.

We are looking forward to journeying with you.

Together Forever in Love, Truth & Freedom,

Gil & Ayelet